September 2023 Magazine

Here are our latest endeavours in the region. Continue reading below to explore the latest news in digital format.


In the UK, the way you get reimbursed for using your own car for work is governed by specific tax rules. A recent court ruling has clarified how employees can actually reclaim extra money paid toward National Insurance, a mandatory employment tax, if they haven't been fully reimbursed for their mileage.

The spotlight is on a specific guideline, called Paragraph 7A of the 2001 Regulations, which is now an essential rule for all taxpayers to follow. What's intriguing is that unlike income tax, the amount you can claim doesn't reduce after you've driven more than 10,000 miles for work in a year.

Whether you're an employer or an employee, understanding how these travel reimbursements work can save you money. With this recent court clarification, the rules are now more straightforward, making it easier for everyone to navigate them.


In France, the primary method of financing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has traditionally been through the banking system. However, individuals can also directly contribute to SME funding through various financial instruments and investment schemes.

One particular focus is on specialized investment funds like FCPI (Innovation Mutual Funds) and FIP (Local Investment Funds). These are designed to invest in European SMEs, often with a regional or innovative focus. Interestingly, these funds offer the added bonus of income tax reductions for investors who hold their shares for at least five years.

For those looking beyond traditional investment vehicles, there's also the option of crowdfunding and becoming a "business angel." These paths enable individuals to directly support enterprises while potentially enjoying fiscal benefits.

From Drops to Oceans: The Collective Journey to Sustainable Water Use by 2030

Achieving universal access to clean water and sanitation by 2030 is the ambitious aim of Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6). According to the United Nations Development Program, one of the major challenges in the coming years will be efficient water resource management across all sectors.

A spotlight has been cast on the younger generation's role, as they bring a renewed perspective and deep environmental awareness to the table. However, it's vital that this sense of responsibility extends across all age groups and sectors of society. Everyone has a role to play in ensuring sustainable water use, especially as we face increasing global pressures on this vital resource.

For companies and organizations, the commitment to sustainable water use must be a dual-track approach. On one hand, internal operations should be scrutinized for efficiency and sustainability. On the other, fostering a culture of responsibility among employees can make a considerable impact.

The goal isn't to rely on large-scale changes from a few entities, but rather to encourage consistent contributions from all organizational members. This collective approach will culminate in significant social and cultural shifts that bring us closer to universal, safe, and affordable drinking water for all.

As World Water Week gains momentum, the call for a unified commitment toward sustainable water use becomes increasingly urgent. The question is not whether we can afford to commit, but rather can we afford not to?

Get to know some of our partners!

Since launching in 1999, Yiallourides & Partners LTD has set the gold standard in Chartered Accountancy in Cyprus, gaining a well-deserved reputation for trustworthiness and client satisfaction.

2+ Revision, a state-authorized auditing firm based in Haderslev, is not bound by geographical limitations. With a clientele spanning the entirety of Denmark, as well as the Nordic countries, the Faroe Islands, and Greenland,.

Operating out of more than 60 offices in France and other international locations. What sets it apart is its ability to tailor its extensive national resources to meet the needs of local economies.

This capability makes the firm uniquely positioned to offer actionable insights across various industries

Spotlight: Eurex, A Closer Look At Multisector Expertise In Business Development

This is where Powerhouse Solutions offers indispensable aid, crafting ad hoc services mainly for new companies and SMEs.

Choosing to outsource these vital functions to a specialized consultancy not only elevates your HR practices but also has far-reaching implications for your business as a whole. It paves the way for improved organizational efficacy

From Strategy To Success: The Comprehensive Support Of Powerhouse Solutions

European Summit 2023

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